This is a special Paranormal Perception episode. For the next few weeks, there will be no new Paranormal Perception episdes as Henry, Crystal and the rest of the team ramp up for this year's OC Paracon. This episode will serve as an introduction to...
This is a special Paranormal Perception episode. For the next few weeks, there will be no new Paranormal Perception episdes as Henry, Crystal and the rest of the team ramp up for this year's OC Paracon. This episode will serve as an introduction to Henry, the show, his paranormal interests and experiences and really, who is this person who does a weekly paranormal show and is organizing Orange County's only paranormal conference? Angel, frm the (and an OC Paracn speaker), joins Henry to ask him those questions and a few other things that come up.... Paranormal Perception will return on Friday September 20th with a super-sized OC ParaCon episode.