6.18 - We're Back To (Para)Normal
6.18 - We're Back To (Para)Normal
Hero & Shanclen () return from their break from the paranormal. Did anything change from the last time they were on the show? Kind of...you…
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May 12, 2023

6.18 - We're Back To (Para)Normal

6.18 - We're Back To (Para)Normal

Hero & Shanclen () return from their break from the paranormal. Did anything change from the last time they were on the show? Kind of...you'll have to listen to find out. Plus, we also return to Crystal's World, with some advice many of you need when...

Hero & Shanclen () return from their break from the paranormal. Did anything change from the last time they were on the show? Kind of...you'll have to listen to find out. Plus, we also return to Crystal's World, with some advice many of you need when it comes to lunar activity. And, finally, The Book Club also returns!