1.11 - The Priest & The Medium
1.11 - The Priest & The Medium
Two guests on this episode, first Father David Deerfeeder joins Henry San Miguel to discuss how he combines church teachings with his psych…
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Nov. 19, 2018

1.11 - The Priest & The Medium

1.11 - The Priest & The Medium

Two guests on this episode, first Father David Deerfeeder joins Henry San Miguel to discuss how he combines church teachings with his psychic gifts, then Maria Lagana-Sales returns for a face-to-face chat with Henry. Both interviews were recorded...

Two guests on this episode, first Father David Deerfeeder joins Henry San Miguel to discuss how he combines church teachings with his psychic gifts, then Maria Lagana-Sales returns for a face-to-face chat with Henry. Both interviews were recorded during the 2018 MotherLode ParaQuest in Jackson, CA. See for privacy and opt-out information.